Lillian Mae | Eleven Months

IMG_7667Nicknames: Turkey

Weight: 19 pounds 12 ounces

Height: 28.5 inches

Looks: You’re starting to look more like a toddler than a baby. Your hair continues to grow longer and thicker. {We can finally CLIP a bow in your hair!} Your eyes are still a green/hazel color.

Personality: You’re such a doll! You enjoy people watching and observing everything around you. You will flash a smile at a stranger and wave when nobody is looking. You’re still a little lady of few words. If you start talking, we better stop to listen because it’s important.

Eating: You’re pretty much over puréed foods and eating mostly table foods now. You ate an entire roll at Texas Roadhouse!

Sleeping: We started nap training last week, and you’re doing a great job! You usually take one long nap in the afternoon. You’re still sleeping through the night too!

Wearing: Mostly 12 month clothes. We just switched to size 4 diapers. Your teeny, tiny foot is a size 2!

Favorite Things: Being outside, playing with your ball, bubbles, and your water table.

Least Favorite Things: Cutting teeth.

This month:
-We went back to the urologist and the doctor said your kidneys are looking good!
-You started saying, “Woof!” when you see a dog.
-We took a road trip to Dillard, GA.
-We went to the Mall of Georgia and you rode on an escalator.
-You started taking naps on your own.
-We celebrated Daddy’s 30th birthday.