Lilly Mae’s Birth Story

On Monday, July 8th, I spent most of the day with a huge bundle of nerves. I knew it was my last day before becoming a mom. Thankfully, I was able to go to lunch with my new grade level. We ate lunch and talked about the upcoming school year. It was hard to believe that I would not be joining them at pre-planning. After lunch, I went back home and got everything ready for me and Clint to head to the hospital that evening.

At 6:00 PM, I had to call Labor and Delivery to make sure they had a room available for us. They did! The nurse told us to grab a bite to eat and make our way there by 7:00. Clint and I put everything in the car and headed out! We didn’t have much time for a “fancy dinner,” so we ate at Arby’s near the hospital.

We arrived at the hospital a few minutes before 7 and headed to Labor & Delivery to check-in. We got checked-in and made our way to Room 3.

By 8 o’clock, the induction process had begun. The nurse inserted the Cervidil and had me on bedrest for 2 hours. I couldn’t get up to use the bathroom, and I had to lay completely flat. This was the LONGEST two hours of my life. At 10 o’clock, I was able to go to the bathroom!

Nothing too exciting happened Monday night. We pretty much watched TV. Clint and I watched the Home Run Derby and The Bachelorette! My mom and sister came to visit us…which made the evening go by a little faster.

After a few hours of laying on the most uncomfortable bed ever, my back started hurting really bad. I believe it was a combination of the bed and Cervidil. By 1:45 AM, I was nearly in tears with my back hurting and completely exhausted. I had not slept any at this point. (Mainly because the fetal monitor did not cooperate and the nurses were in often to fix it.) When the nurse came in to check on me, I told her that I was really hurting. She was able to give me something for pain. I have NO IDEA what she gave me, but let’s just say that I felt ZERO pain. I felt like I was floating. I finally went to sleep!

At 5:30 AM, the nurse came in and removed the Cervidil and had me take a shower. At 7:30 AM. the doctor came in to check my progress. I was shocked to hear that I only progressed from 1 cm to 1.5cm. However, my cervix was thinned out a lot more. At that point, the doctor decided to break my water. A few minutes later, the nurse started the Pitocin and antibiotics.

Shortly after starting the Pitocin, my blood pressure started getting higher and higher. I’m not sure of the exact BP readings, but it was alarming enough for the nurses to page my doctor. After the nurses spoke with my doctor, they injected something into my IV to lower it. It helped for the next reading, but then my blood pressure went even higher. Then, they gave me several doses and my BP stopped increasing.

Once the Pitocin kicked in, I started to get really uncomfortable. My back pain continued and was getting worse. I started having contractions too, but the back pain was unbearable.

Since I was induced, I could get an epidural at anytime. I decided to go ahead and get the epidural because there was no reason to be in pain if I didn’t have to be!

At 8:45 AM, the anesthesiologist came in and administered the epidural. WOW! Such a relief…but, it only took on one side. I could still feel everything on my right side. I was in tears! The nurse had me lay in a different position to see if it would help, but it didn’t. The anesthesiologist came back around 9:30. She was able to slightly pull out the epidural catheter…that was the magic touch! I was no longer feeling anything after 15 minutes.

To help move things along, the nurse had me lay on my side with a giant “peanut” between my legs. After a couple of hours on each side, I started to feel pain again and a good bit of pressure. Clint suggested to have the nurse check me. Around 2:45, the nurse came back in to help me switch sides. I told her that I was feeling a good bit of pressure and wanted to be checked. I was already 8 cm dilated! She couldn’t believe it and neither could I! The nurse said she would come back in 30 minutes, and it would possibly be time to start pushing.

At 3:15, our room was flooded with nurses to help prep our room for delivery. Around 3:20, they had me do a couple of practice pushes. They told me that I was doing a great job and needed to wait for the doctor. {I had NO clue what I was doing since I couldn’t feel a thing!} The doctor came in shortly after, and I started pushing again. I didn’t push for very long because Lilly Mae arrived at 3:37 PM. She weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces and was 20.5 inches long.
She was absolutely perfect in every way!


Bumpdate | Week 39

watermelonHow far along: 39 weeks

Due Date: July 11, 2019

Baby is the size of: a small watermelon (20 inches and 7.3 pounds)

Gender: Girl

Name: Lillian Mae

Movement: Movements continue to happen regularly. On Monday, she was SUPER active. I’m not sure she had an hour of sleep until that night. On Tuesday, I felt some movements. On Wednesday, I didn’t feel many movements at all and it made me very concerned. My doctor’s appointment was Wednesday afternoon, so I addressed it with the doctor.

Nursery: Her room is 110% ready! It’s probably my favorite room in the house now.

Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, some indigestion, back pain, pelvic pressure, and headaches.

Sleep: I fall asleep pretty easy due to being so exhausted, but I’m usually awake around 3 or 4 AM. I manage to fall back asleep after an hour or two. Some nights are better than others. I did have one of my best sleeps this week. I slept for a long time with only two bathroom breaks. It was amazing! I should probably thank my Unisom medicine for the great sleep!

Highlight of the Week: Since Lilly Mae can come at anytime, I asked Clint to take me on a date. We went to a dine-in theater to see Toy Story 4! It was great!

Weekly Check-Up: My 39 week appointment was scheduled a day early due to Independence Day. I haven’t had many questions or concerns until this week. I was so thankful that my appointment fell when it did. I thought I was leaking amniotic fluid and wasn’t feeling many movements. The doctor checked and informed me that I was not leaking fluid. HUGE RELIEF! He said I was still about 1 cm dilated and 60% effaced. The doctor did have concerns about my blood pressure. It has been creeping up each week. We discussed the options for induction. He recommended that we induce labor next week. He thinks that I will do really well considering I’ve already started to progress on my own. After the office visit, he sent me over for a non-stress test due to the decrease in fetal movements. I got hooked up and sat in the quiet room. After about 20 minutes, the doctor came in and said she looked good on paper! Her heart rate was beating steadily and didn’t show any signs of distress. Another HUGE RELIEF! They scheduled our induction and sent us home.

Missing Anything: Nothing really!

Cravings/Aversions: Still no cravings or aversions!

Parents to Be: We’re so excited!! It’s almost time to meet our sweet girl!

Looking Forward To: A smooth delivery and a healthy baby girl!

Bumpdate | Week 38

leeks.jpgHow far along: 38 weeks…only 2 weeks to go!

Due Date: July 11, 2019

Baby is the size of: a leek (19.6 inches and 6.8 pounds)

Gender: A sweet little girl!

Name: Lillian Mae

Movement: Jabs, punches, rolls, and hiccups! I will never get tired of feeling her little movements! I’m embracing every movement as long as I can.

Nursery: The last thing that we needed to do was install Lilly Mae’s video monitor and Clint accomplished that this week!

Symptoms: Still the reoccurring back pain, Braxton Hicks, and frequent bathroom breaks. New this week was a HORRIBLE headache that will not go away! I can usually take some Tylenol and sleep it off, but that’s not working for me. I’ve been extra emotional this week and having a lot of indigestion too.

Sleep: Sleep continues to be a struggle. I tend to fall asleep quickly, but I’m restless most of the night. Still so thankful for afternoon naps!

Highlight of the Week: My arm finally quit hurting! That’s a HUGE win in my book! And…I got a much needed pedicure!

Weekly Check-Up: My 38 week check-up went well. I was concerned going in due to my excruciating headache; I just knew my blood pressure was going to be through the roof! Thankfully, my blood pressure was in the normal range. The doctor wasn’t too concerned about my headache since my blood pressure was fine. She said it’s normal to be experiencing bad headaches right now. She just told me to make sure that I keep a check on my blood pressure at home. She doesn’t want it consistently reading at or above 160/110. At home, my highest readings average about 130ish/85ish. I haven’t made anymore progress towards labor despite all of the false contractions that I’m experiencing. I’m still 60% effaced and 1 cm dilated. The doctor said that is REALLY good considering I’ve never given birth before.

Missing Anything: Not really missing anything. I really wish that I had more energy to accomplish some things on my to-do list.

Cravings/Aversions: SURPRISE…still no cravings! Just about everything I see makes me hungry though and my sweet tooth has come back! Apples and peanut butter is my go to snack.

Parents to Be: I have been impatiently waiting for our Lilly Mae to come. However, I’ve finally decided that she’s going to come when she is ready, and I’m not going to try to rush her. I’m extremely lucky to not have high blood pressure or swelling, so there’s really no reason for her to come early. I’m going to embrace these last couple of weeks of my pregnancy because it’s something that I don’t plan on doing again. I’m sure Clint is fine with her waiting too. {I secretly think he wants me to go into labor at home, so he can rush us to the hospital! Haha!}

Looking Forward To: Enjoying these last two weeks and thinking how much our lives are about to change for the better!