Lillian Mae | Six Months

Oh Lillian Mae, you continue to make our days brighter! The past 6 months have flown by so fast, and we know the next 6 months will go even faster. We’re so thankful we get to do life with you. We love you very much!IMG_6238.jpg

Nicknames: Turkey

Weight: 16 pounds 2 ounces

Height: Probably around 26 inches

Looks: As your hair is growing longer, it’s beginning to curl and the cowlick is slowly disappearing. Your eyes are still blue, but they change colors depending on what you wear or how the light hits them. You have the cutest leg rolls too!

Personality: We love watching your personality develop each month. You are still the sweetest baby ever! You love to snuggle with anyone that is willing to hold you and will flash that toothless grin at anyone. You are very observant and really take in all your surroundings. You watch and listen closely as people are having conversations or using different materials, objects, or utensils. You want to explore and touch everything!

Eating: You’re really enjoying solids. We haven’t introduced any new foods, but we did begin feeding you the Stage 2-Sitter Foods. In the mornings, you eat oatmeal mixed with apples and bananas. For lunch, you eat a veggie. You still love squash and sweet potatoes the most.

Sleeping: Thank you for loving and appreciating sleep as much as we do! You sleep very well, but you do wiggle and move all around your crib. Some mornings, we find you with a foot hanging out. We started running a cool mist humidifier in your room, and it has really helped with congestion. 

Wearing: You’re still wearing all 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers. Hopefully, we won’t have to size up in clothes or diapers for a few more weeks!

Favorite Things: Chewing on your deer and pink butterfly, eating your toes, grabbing stuff, and kicking your legs.

Least Favorite Things: Getting your nose cleaned, green beans, and naps.

This month:
You went to your first parade.
-You started wearing shoes and holding your own bottle.
-You were diagnosed with RSV three days before Christmas.
-You rode on a carousel and had your picture made with Santa.
We celebrated your first Christmas and New Year.
-You experienced your first hibachi dinner.
-We visited Daddy’s office and met some of his co-workers.
-You learned to sit up for a few minutes.
-You tried a lemon for the first time and actually liked it.
-You helped Mommy and Daddy celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary.
