Bumpdate | Week 29

acorn-squashHow far along: 29 weeks

Due Date: July 11, 2019

Baby is the size of: an acorn squash (15.2 inches and 2.54 pounds)

Gender: a spunky little girl

Name: Lillian Mae

Movement: I’m convinced that Lilly Mae was on her own little Spring Break last week. She was very laid back and relaxed for the most part. This week, she appears to be rejuvenated and energized again. {This makes me feel much better knowing how much she is moving. She had me a little worried last week.}

Nursery: Her room is pretty much finished for now. After we have a baby shower, we will have plenty of stuff to organize and put away.

Symptoms: I experienced my first episode of Braxton Hicks contractions early Saturday morning. That was an interesting experience, but I know it’s totally normal at this point in my pregnancy. They went away after 15 minutes or so. Other than that, I still have back pain but that’s about it for this week!

Sleep: I have a love-hate relationship with sleep right now. I love sleeping, but it’s getting increasing uncomfortable. My hips, shoulders, and legs start hurting. When I finally get comfortable, I find myself having to get up seconds later to use the bathroom.

Highlight of the Week: While Lilly Mae was hitting and kicking, I would gently poke back and she responded with another hit. This happened several times which made my heart want to explode.

Missing Anything: Nothing again this week!

Cravings/Aversions: Still no major cravings or aversions. However, Ginger Ale is so refreshing! I was only drinking it to help with morning sickness, but I wanted it again this week.

Parents to Be: We are so blessed that we were chosen to be parents! We’re grateful for a healthy, active baby. We can hardly wait to meet her!

Looking Forward To: Seeing our sweet girl this weekend for our 3D ultrasound! {Fingers crossed she cooperates!}

Bumpdate | Week 28

eggplantHow far along: 28 weeks

Due Date: July 11, 2019

Baby is the size of: a large eggplant (14.8 inches and 2.2 pounds)

Gender: Girl

Name: Lillian Mae, Lilly Mae, or Little Mae…(Not just Lilly!)

Movement: Lilly Mae must have been more relaxed this past week because I haven’t felt as many movements. I still feel her daily though! I think she has been laying facing my back. I can feel her entire back across my stomach. Apparently, she likes laying sideways!

Nursery: I’ve washed and put away her clothes. I finally figured out how to organize her dresser drawers.

Symptoms: Nausea and vomiting returned. Thankfully, it wasn’t for very long. I’m super tired again…like first trimester tired…and indigestion tends to follow after every meal. After eating, I usually regret it. Indigestion makes it really hard to decide what is worth eating too. Oh and I’ve been using the bathroom like 495927 times per day!

Sleep: Some nights I sleep well and others not so much.

Highlight of the Week: Learning that Lilly Mae is measuring perfectly and hearing her heartbeat! At my 28 week appointment, her little heart was beating at 143 beats per minute.

Missing Anything: Being able to eat without having indigestion!

Cravings/Aversions: Still no cravings or aversions!

Parents to Be: We find it hard to believe that Lilly Mae will be here in a couple of months! (78ish days to go!) We love her so much already!

Looking Forward To: Getting my glucose test results back and relaxing over Spring Break!

Bumpdate | Week 27

lettuceHow far along: 27 weeks

Due Date: July 11, 2019

Baby is the size of: lettuce (14.4 inches and 1.9 pounds)

Gender: A sweet baby girl

Name: Lillian Mae

Movement: Lilly Mae continues to move. Some of her movements are graceful while others are forceful. She’s going to be a wild woman for sure! I often feel her head or bottom on one part of my belly. It will be super hard on one side and normal on the other side. After a few minutes of me gently poking her, she changes positions.

Nursery: We have made progress! We took a few things that were lingering around her room to Goodwill. Clint also hung her monogram on the wall above her crib, and I made closet dividers for her clothes.
No morning sickness! I continue to have back pain (upper and lower). I do have occasional headaches, fatigue, and pressure on my bladder. Oh…and acne is back in full force!

Sleep: Do you ever have those deep sleeps and you wake up in the middle of the night thinking…it has to be close to my alarm going off? Well…that’s how feel. I go to sleep around 10. I wake up thinking…it’s probably around 5. Only it’s 12 AM! Normally, I would be super excited about this….but I can’t help but think how many more times I will get up to go to the bathroom.

Highlight of the Week: Making more progress in her nursery! Lilly Mae was also gifted her first headband from my student intern!

Missing Anything: Nothing this week! I’m still looking forward to my turkey sub sandwich in July though!

Cravings/Aversions: Smells do not typically bother me. However, the smell of eggs makes me want to vomit.

Parents to Be: I love nothing more than hearing Clint talk about our soon-to-be daughter! I cannot thank Clint enough for being such a supportive and understanding husband and daddy-to-be! He’s rubbed my back several times when I feel like I cannot tolerate it anymore and there have been many belly rubs here lately! I cannot wait to see him start his new role of Daddy this summer!

Looking Forward To: Starting the third trimester on Thursday!

Bumpdate | Week 26

coconutHow far along: 26 weeks

Due Date: July 11, 2019

Baby is the size of: a coconut (14 inches and 1.7 pounds)

Gender: Girl

Name: Lillian Mae aka “Lilly Mae”

Movement: Lilly Mae’s movements are getting stronger and stronger. I’m starting to feel her move all over my belly. I typically feel kicks on the side or very low. She obviously likes laying sideways and sitting straight up. Her little eyelids can open now! Although, it will be many more weeks before we look into those sweet eyes!

Nursery: Nothing new to report here. I haven’t found the time or motivation to do anything yet. I still need to tie the ribbon on her monogram and hang it on the wall. Right now…her monogram is sitting in her crib.

Symptoms: I had a bad case of morning sickness on Saturday. I’m blaming it on taking my prenatal vitamin right before bedtime. {I will not be doing that again!} Other than the sickness, I’ve been experiencing upper and lower back pain, mild indigestion, headaches, and fatigue. My lack of energy reminds me much of my first trimester. I’m still finding myself asleep on the couch around 8:00.

Sleep: Sleeping is something that I continue to want, but it is becoming more uncomfortable. Lilly Mae had a few late night dance parties. The other morning, she woke me at 3 AM working on her high kicks.

Highlight of the Week: Knowing that our sweet baby girl can open her eyes is a huge milestone in my book!

Missing Anything: Not having back pain.

Cravings/Aversions: Still no major cravings or aversions. It makes me wonder if all pregnant women have cravings or not.

Parents to Be: I know of several people who were pregnant a few weeks/months ahead of me and they have already given birth. That makes me super excited and anxious for Lilly Mae’s arrival! We’re so ready to meet our our sweet girl who will make our family complete!

Looking Forward To: Moving into the third trimester!

Bumpdate | Week 25

How far along:
 25 weeks

Due Date: July 11, 2019

Baby is the size of: a cauliflower (13.5 inches and 1.5 pounds)

Gender: Girl

Name: Lillian Mae

Movement: We’re going to have a very active little girl! She has been on the move constantly. Lilly Mae is moving mostly during the day which makes me think she is sleeping during the night. I THINK that I’m feeling more feet and leg movements compared to arms and elbows. For the first time, I felt her sweet little kicks from the outside! I tried to get Clint to feel her movements, but she stopped as soon as his hand touch my belly.

Nursery: Her room is still in progress. There’s a few things that are lingering in her room that need to be hauled off to Goodwill. Hopefully, we can find time to do that soon!

Symptoms: I had a bad case of morning sickness last Thursday! Thankfully, it went away pretty quickly. I’m having a lot of back pain and occasional headaches. {I think the pollen is causing the headaches though!}

Sleep: No complaints in the sleep department! I manage to fall asleep quickly. I often find myself snoozing on the couch around 8:00 too!

Highlight of the Week: Feeling Lilly Mae’s kicks from the outside!

Missing Anything: Nothing really.

Cravings/Aversions: No major cravings or aversions this week!

Parents to Be: We cannot believe that we’re another week closer to meeting our baby girl. At our last doctor’s appointment, we scheduled our next appointment. The nurse said after that appointment…we would start going every 2 weeks! {WOW!}

Looking Forward To: Meeting Lilly Mae in 99 days {give or take a few days}!