Lillian Mae | Five Months

Lillian Mae, every month with you keeps getting better and better. We cannot believe five months have already come and gone. You’re transforming into the most beautiful, loving girl! We are so in love with you. 

Nicknames: Baby, Turkey, Drooly, Bubbles, Little Monster, and so many more

Weight: 14 pounds 7.5 ounces

Height: 25.5 inches

Looks: You’re the most beautiful girl in the entire world! Your hair is getting longer and lighter. You still look 100% like your Daddy, but you’re starting to look like Mommy!

Personality: You can be the sweetest little babe or as stubborn as a mule. You smile at everyone you meet, and you are a happy baby no matter who is holding you. It can be a challenge getting you to laugh…you’re not easily amused! When you do find something entertaining, you giggle for quite some time.

Sleeping: You continue to be a great sleeper! You typically go to bed around 9:00 and you’re out for the rest of the night. You wake up smiling and talking to yourself. You’re going to be an early bird! 

Wearing: We made the transition to all 6 month clothes. Your tiny feet are beginning to grow! You still haven’t officially worn a pair of shoes, but the time is coming soon. You are still wearing size 2 diapers.

Favorite Things: Putting anything in your mouth, books, growling, rolling over, and looking at Christmas lights.

Least Favorite Things: Interrupted sleep, water, sitting in traffic, green beans, and the LSU Tigers

This month:
-You rolled over from belly to back.
-You have discovered your feet!
-You went to cousin Evie’s birthday.
-You got your ears pierced.
-We celebrated your first Thanksgiving!
-We introduced you to solid foods. You have tried carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, green beans, peas, bananas, apples, and peaches. Butternut squash is your favorite, and green beans are your least favorite!
-We spent Thanksgiving Day on the Sims’ farm. You met cows face-to-face.
-You visited Daddy’s hunting club.
-You had your heart broken while watching UGA in the SEC Championship game.


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