Bumpdate | Week 16

Yay!! I’m finally caught up with my bumpdates! I will be 17 weeks this Thursday! 🙂


How far along: 16 weeks

Due Date: July 11, 2019

Baby is the size of: an avocado (4.6 inches and 3.5 ounces)

Gender: All-American Girl!

Name: Lillian Mae

Movement: I think I felt something! The other night I was sleeping in an awkward position. {I was comfortable…apparently baby girl was not!} I woke up to what felt like a fish swimming in my lower abdomen. It was so STRANGE. I thought I was dreaming. I decided to lay on my back and the movement started again for a few minutes. It finally went away. I’m counting it as our first movement. It was so sweet!

Nursery: No major updates yet. I’ve managed to organize a few things in my office closet which is making more room for the things in our guest room.

Symptoms: Just when I thought my morning sickness days were gone, I was quickly reminded that they are not. Last week was a little rocky. I tried everything to find some relief. The only way thing that made the sick feeling go away was sleeping! I’ve had occasional headaches, a runny nose, and the start of round ligament pain. {Ouch!}

Sleep: Sleep is still my friend. I had a few bizarre dreams throughout this week.

Highlight of the Week: We had our 16 week check-up at a new doctor’s office. We had to switch due to wanting to deliver at a certain hospital. I LOVED the new practice. They were very thorough with what to expect throughout the pregnancy and gave a lot of information about delivering at the new hospital. We also got to hear Lilly Mae’s heartbeat!

Missing Anything: A Boar’s Head turkey sub from Publix. I’ve had heated subs, but there’s something about a cold sub that sounds delicious!

Cravings/Aversions: I did have a craving for a large strawberry lemonade. Thank you, Clint! He made a special trip to Wendy’s just for my refreshing drink. No major aversions this week!

Parents to Be: We’re both still excited about having a little bundle of joy join our family. She’s already loved by so many people.

Looking Forward To: Making more progress in Lilly Mae’s room!

Bumpdate | Week 12 – 15

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How far along: 12 weeks

Due Date: July 11, 2019

Baby is the size of: large plum (2.5 inches)

Symptoms: Morning sickness continues to stay away! {YAY!} I typically have a mild headache every day. Here’s a new one…ACNE. I feel like a preteen in middle school again.

Sleep: I still enjoy sleeping, but it’s not as restful as I would like it to be.

Highlight of the Week: There were several this week! We went back to the doctor and my mom got to go. We heard the baby’s heartbeat. It was 170! My mom may have shed a tear. We mailed our New Year’s cards and told a few more close friends/family. We found our baby’s bed!

Missing Anything: Nothing right now!

Cravings/Aversions: I did have a craving for Corn Flakes cereal. No food aversions right now…except Mexican food. Hopefully that will change soon!

Parents to Be: Clint and I are ready to start planning and preparing for our sweet little plum’s arrival. We started looking at baby stuff. We went to Buy Buy Baby and Target. There’s still so much to learn! We did find the perfect crib for the nursery, and we bought a Pack ‘n Play. It was marked half priced. Thanks Target for saving these parents-to-be some money! 🙂

Looking Forward To: Moving into the next trimester!


*I added a few more things on the list since I’m moving into the next trimester!

How far along: 13 weeks

Due Date: July 11, 2019

Baby is the size of: a sweet Georgia peach (3 inches)

*Gender: Clint and I were both thinking girl, but now I started leaning towards boy.

*Name: We have talked about boy and girl names. We have some ideas. We’re waiting to find out the gender before really deciding.

*Movement: Our wiggly worm was showing off on this week’s ultrasound. I’m not feeling anything yet, but it was exciting to see how active the baby was on the screen!

*Nursery: We have picked a room! I started moving stuff out of the guest room closet to make room for baby.

Symptoms: I feel pretty normal again. I feel super energized, but I have a major crash in the afternoon.

Sleep: Sleep is still enjoyable, but I’m visiting the bathroom multiple times every night.

Highlight of the Week: We had the genetic testing complete and got to see our sweet baby again! The HR was 150.

Missing Anything: Does Christmas break count? I’m really going to miss sleeping in and resting as needed, but I’m ready to be back to a regular routine. I’ve missed my sweet school kiddos too!

Cravings/Aversions: Mexican food doesn’t sound horrible anymore! I’m super excited to start eating one of my favorite foods again.

Parents to Be: It’s starting to feel very real now. I think we’re both getting exciting, but we still get easily overwhelmed by everything. We’re just taking things little by little.

Looking Forward To: Getting the gender results back from the genetic testing. Will baby be a little buck or a little doe?


How far along: 14 weeks

Due Date: July 11, 2019

Baby is the size of: a lemon (3.4 inches)

Gender: It’s still a mystery!

Name: We haven’t talked about names anymore. Although, our girl name is pretty much set.

Movement: According to the What to Expect app, our little one is on the move almost constantly…but it will be a few weeks before I feel anything.

Nursery: No progress yet!

Symptoms: I’ve been battling a horrible cough and cold. Thankfully, the doctor was able to give me an antibiotic, but it hasn’t fully kicked in yet. My energy level feels like it is back to zero, and I’ve been nauseous again.

Sleep: Sleeping is difficult when you’re coughing all night long.

Highlight of the Week: Officially being in the 2nd trimester!

Missing Anything: I know it’s part of the process, but I’m really missing my old self. This week has been mentally challenging.

Cravings/Aversions: No real cravings…but I do enjoy a CFA Strawberry Milkshake!

Parents to Be: Clint continues to be super supportive and constantly checks on me throughout the day. He takes over household duties when I haven’t felt up for them. He’s truly the best!

Looking Forward To: The gender results from our testing last week!

pearHow far along: 15 weeks

Due Date: July 11, 2019

Baby is the size of: a pear (4 inches)


Name: Lillian Mae. Lillian was my maternal grandmother’s middle name, and Mae is my mom’s middle name. We will call her Lilly Mae.

Movement: Still no movement on my end, but I’m sure the little one is having a dance party!

Nursery: Well…I’m organizing the office’s closet, so we can make room in the nursery. Clint will be taking the guest room bed down soon.

Symptoms: I still have nauseous feelings, but it is really inconsistent. I’ve had a few headaches and my back has been hurting some.

Sleep: I. LOVE. SLEEP. Some nights are very restful with no bathroom breaks. While other nights tend to be more restless.

Highlight of the Week: Getting the phone call from the doctor’s office that baby’s test results were completely normal and that she’s a GIRL!! AHHHHHH!

Missing Anything: Honestly, I’m not missing anything this week.

Cravings/Aversions: No real cravings this week. I’m not crazy about soups or stews right now.

Parents to Be: We’re over the moon excited about having a baby GIRL! We have already bought her a couple of things.

Looking Forward To: Preparing for all things girl and our 16 week appointment!

Bumpdate | Week 8 – 11


How far along: 8 weeks

Due Date: July 11, 2019

Baby is the size of: a jelly bean

Symptoms: Morning sickness has turned into all day sickness, but my doctor gave me some medicine to take throughout the day which has helped! I’m extra moody too.

Sleep: Sleep means everything to me right now! I’m snoozing in the evenings and sleeping through the night!

Highlight of the Week: Seeing our little peanut for the first time and hearing the heartbeat! (Baby’s HR was 174!)

Missing Anything: Sleeping on my stomach

Cravings/Aversions: Homemade biscuits and pinto beans (just like my grandmother’s!)

Parents to Be: After our appointment, I couldn’t wait to tell everyone about our little secret. However, we’re waiting to tell our parents on Christmas!

Looking Forward To: Telling our parents in the upcoming weeks!


How far along: 9 weeks

Due Date: July 11, 2019

Baby is the size of: a grape

Symptoms: Exhaustion, sick, and emotional. I did have a few episodes of cramping but nothing too alarming.

Sleep: I’m sleeping about 10 hours every night. It has been wonderful! I know there will be a time that sleeping will not be so enjoyable, so I am enjoying while I can.

Highlight of the Week: Clint and I started thinking about baby names!

Missing Anything: ENERGY!

Cravings/Aversions: I’m really loving French dips right now! {However, I love them all the time! Haha!}

Parents to Be: Clint continues to blow me away with his selflessness! I cannot wait to watch him become a daddy to our precious little grape!

Looking Forward To: The end of the first trimester! I’m still a few weeks out, but I cannot wait for morning sickness to subside.

lego man

How far along: 10 weeks

Due Date: July 11, 2019

Baby is the size of: a LEGO man

Symptoms: All. Day. Sickness. I feel nauseous before, during, and after each meal. This has been a rough week! I just keep reminding myself that it will all be worth it.

Sleep: Sleep is my favorite activity!

Highlight of the Week: We bought our first baby item! A sweet pair of shoes for our announcement photo.

Missing Anything: Sleeping on my stomach!

Cravings/Aversions: The thought of eating Mexican food makes me want to run for the toilet. It makes me so sad because Mexican food is one of my favorite things to eat!

Parents to Be: It still doesn’t feel real yet. I still cannot believe we are going to be parents! Clint continues to be the most supportive and caring person ever.

Looking Forward To: Sharing the news at Christmas…NEXT WEEK! {AHHH!}


How far along: 11 weeks

Due Date: July 11, 2019

Baby is the size of: a poker chip

Symptoms: My all day sickness is GONE…at least for now! I’ve started experiencing some heartburn/indigestion and occasional headaches. I’ve started feeling a little more energetic too! However, I still get tired super fast.

Sleep: I still enjoy sleeping, but I’m not resting so well. I’m constantly tossing and turning between multiple bathroom trips.

Highlight of the Week: Announcing the news to our parents! They were all in complete shock, but they couldn’t be more excited!

Missing Anything: Mexican Food.

Cravings/Aversions: Mexican food still doesn’t sound so great. I do enjoy something sweet here and there, but I usually regret eating it. Some foods still make my stomach feel unsettled.

Parents to Be: Clint and I feel so much love and support from our family and close friends. We know that it’s going to take a village to raise our little nugget!

Looking Forward To: Sending out our New Year’s cards!

Bumpdate | Week 4 – 7

img_3344How far along: 4 weeks

Due Date: July 11, 2019

Baby is the size of: a teeny tiny poppyseed

Symptoms: Mostly mild cramping and fatigue 

Sleep: I’m sleeping well, but I tend to wake up extremely early! I’m usually up by 4 or 5 AM

Highlight of the Week: Positive pregnancy test and telling Clint about our little miracle

Missing Anything: Not yet

Cravings/Aversions: Nothing specific 

Parents to Be: We are both feeling terrified and extremely nervous. 

Looking Forward To: Keeping our little secret between the two of us for now. 


How far along: 5 weeks

Due Date: July 11, 2019

Baby is the size of: a sesame seed

Symptoms: Super tired and still cramping for the most part. My chest has been a little tender. 

Sleep: I’ve been sleeping like a rock. I usually fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow, but I am up as soon as the clock strikes 4:00 AM.

Highlight of the Week: I did manage to sleep in until 5:30 AM!

Cravings/Aversions: I have a big sweet tooth, but that is the last thing that I want right now. The thought of cracking an egg is very unpleasant too. Haha.

Parents to Be: This whole experience doesn’t seem real. I think it’s because we’re not really talking about it with anyone just yet.  

Looking Forward To: Our first doctor’s appointment in a few weeks. 


How far along: 6 weeks

Due Date: July 11, 2019

Baby is the size of: a chocolate chip

Symptoms: Still extremely tired and morning sickness seems to be in full swing right now. I am super nauseous! Thankfully, I have only experienced some vomiting.

Sleep: Sleeping is one of my favorite things right now. I’ve been going to bed earlier and waking up pretty easy. Although, I did start to wake up feeling nauseous.

Highlight of the Week: I made it through my mom’s Thanksgiving dinner without wanting to vomit! It was delicious!

Cravings/Aversions: Not really a craving, but Simply Strawberry Lemonade really helps with the nausea.

Parents to Be: Clint is being super supportive. He checks on me multiple times per day. He is the sweetest!

Looking Forward To: Hopefully less nausea and more energy!


How far along: 7 weeks

Due Date: July 11, 2019

Baby is the size of: a little blueberry


Sleep: I love nothing more than sleeping…except I wake up with morning sickness around 4 AM.

Highlight of the Week: My wonderful doctor’s office called in Zofran!

Cravings/Aversions: Nothing really

Parents to Be: It still doesn’t seem real that I am growing a human. I think reality will set in once we go to the doctor.

Looking Forward To: Our doctor’s appointment on the 29th!