Life Currently

My original plan was to launch Pineapple Bliss in November, but obviously that never happened. So, I’m really excited about officially launching it right….NOW!

There has been a lot going on in life. The second semester of school feels like a whirlwind. I just finished my 4th year teaching! It was a great year. My students and I made many memories that will last a lifetime.

I’m thrilled that my grad school journey is about to come to an end. I’m taking my last class and the last day is June 30th! My goal is to finish the class early. Right now, I am three discussion questions and four assignments away from graduation. The end is in sight!

Clint and I just finished a HUGE home project. Clint rebuilt and extended our back deck (with help from family, friends, and ME). I managed to help Clint for several hours without being thrown over! Haha.

Once the deck was finished, we bought new furniture. Ever since then…it has rained EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
Last weekend, I did manage to sit outside and enjoy the sunshine for a few minutes…until the bottom fell out.

Image result for rain in georgia meme

I have enjoyed the rain lately, but I’m ready to see some sunshine and a pool!

Until then…
I will create my own sunshine! 🙂

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